PayPerPost, the paid to blogging service announced today that it has acquired, a website serving as an interface between bloggers and advertisers. This is exciting stuff, because this rings the first signs of consolidation between the erstwhile dispersed networks that bloggers used to
make money.

I feel this is just a beginning, and there are many more exciting things waiting to happen. This is because Text Link Ads, another service that high-traffic bloggers make use of is not far from the Radar. Performancing is also financed by Patrick Gavin, who runs TLA.
With this acquisition, PayPerPost has gained access to a number of valuable tools. PPP users will hereon be able to make use of Performancing metrics, a free tool to enable bloggers to analyse traffic statistics, ad visitor clickthroughs, ad effectiveness and so on.
Performancing already had held a base of 28K visitors. Now, the next step for PayPerPost is to strike a balance between the original users of PPP and those of Performancing. With increasing inter-advertisement between the products offered by the till-now-unmerged entities, there shall now be a lot of new users of both the products from either side.
This makes it essential for PPP to make the tool more effective for PPP as well as non-PPP users. I feel a need to segregate the two because, while PPP users might be more focussed on the content, and not give much thought to Google Adsense(that being the secondary stream of revenue), original Performancing users might be more willing to see how their Adsense statistics works. I would then like to see two versions of metrics. One, the original can be for normal bloggers, and the second customized one for PPP users. The latter can be used to analyze the kind of stories that has been getting traffic; say the paid ones or the non-paid ones; the categories that also get more hits, which may help the blogger choose between the different topics to write on amongst those listed at PPP.