Nice Ideas

Just letting out a few things I thought I wanted to tell ...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The virtues of coffee

Coffee has long been known as a very necessary evil, something which gets you very addicted to it, but still is very harmful for its caffeine. But, those thoughts are slowly dying down. It now seems that coffe has more good to it than bad. It is not very bad after all to drink coffee and probably be addicted to it.

Let us see why.First of all, for a normal person, atleast three to four cups a day doesnt do any harm. For a pregnant lady, bring that to two. This apart, drinking coffee can bring down incidence of cancer. Coffee can reduce the occurence of colon cancer by as much as 25 percent. Regular cofee drinkers can also avoid developing kidney stones.

There is more to cofee than just caffeine. Coffee contains something called the theophylline. This helps in dilating the bronchi and thus helps to reduce symptoms of asthma by as much as 25 percent. Other big reasons to drink coffee include its ability to reduce the cirrhosis of the liver, reduce the incidence of Parkinson's disease in the aged and the elderly, occurence of stones in the gall bladder and also skin cancer. Coffee contains a bit of boron which helps to fight against prostrate cancer.

These are not the only reasons for you to drink coffee. There exist so many simple things that make it significant to drink coffee. It is such a practical experience that everyone knows that coffee acts as a great stimulator to help in our daily work.

However, there is one bad thing about coffee that might make you dont want it. Coffee reduces the production of DHEA, the anti-aging hormone. So regular drinkers may be aging much faster than they should be.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

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